POEVOO : Minyak Zaitun Organik Extra Virgin dari Tebing Barat Palestin yang Terbaik Hasil Dari Pokok Nabali Berusia 2000 Tahun
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Please check before you purchase olive oils.
As much as two thirds of the high quality olive oil we buy and maybe even more is NOT what it says on the bottle.
We're being duped into paying premium prices for a poor quality product that may contain little or no olive oil at all.
And even if it does, it likely won't be of the quality you think you're paying for.
A book published late last year lifted the lid on the great olive oil scam but it's been known for years that, knowingly or unknowingly, the people who sell the stuff to us may be offering a phony product.
For example, a report produced in 2010 by UC-Davis found that more than two thirds of common brands of extra virgin olive oil being sold in USA were nothing of the sort.
Sellers of inaccurately labeled oil included one of the biggest names in grocery retailing in the US, though there's no suggestion the store chain knew of the deception.
In fact, of the dozens of stores whose sales were analyzed, only six were selling the genuine product.
There are actually hundreds of varieties of olives but only a few main classifications for olive oil, including:
- Extra virgin, which is literally the "juice" of freshly picked olives. It is produced by pressing or a low heat process but, importantly, does not use chemicals of the type employed in the refining of other oils.
- Virgin olive oil, produced the same way but comes from riper olives or a second pressing, though it is still wholesome.
- Blends -- sometimes referred to as "light" or "pure." That they may be, but they include "refined" olive oil, which usually means some or all of it has been chemically processed.
- Poor quality oil, known as "lampante," using the Italian word for lamp oil -- considered unfit for human consumption -- which may be derived from old, rancid olives, often ones that have been lying on the ground for some time, and likely has been chemically processedIn fact, lampante often turns up in olive oil mixtures. But, if the oil is phony, it's just as likely to contain mainly a cheap seed oil like sunflower oil..
Just last year, two Spanish businessmen were jailed for selling supposed extra virgin olive oil that was, in fact, 75% sunflower oil.
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Minyak Zaitun yang tidak di tapis(Mentah) atau "Raw Olive Oil" mengandungi "Minyak Zaitun", "Air" dan "Isi Buah Zaitun" atau sedimen yang mendap di dasar botol.
Pada kebiasaannya Minyak Zaitun ini hanya di dapati pada enam bulan pertama selepas musim menuai buah zaitun. Permintaan yang tinggi ke atas Minyak Zaitun ini adalah kerana khasiatnya yang dikatakan lebih banyak daripada Minyak Zaitun yang telah di proses.
Berbeza dengan Minyak Zaitun yang telah diproses, kandungan "Air dan Isi Buah Zaitun" yang termendap di dasar botol tersebut akan merosakan kualiti Minyak yang terkandung. Oleh yang sedemikian, Minyak Zaitun ini lebih baik di minum atau digunakan dalam tempoh enam - sembilan bulan selepas ianya di botolkan.
Tahukah anda bahawa Minyak Zaitun Extra Virgin perlu di simpan atau di botolkan didalam botol yang berwarna gelap?
Ini adalah kerana Minyak Zaitun amat sensetif kepada cahaya dan Musuh Utama Minyak Zaitun adalah Cahaya Ultra Ungu yang terhasil daripada sinaran cahaya matahari.
Oleh yang sedemikian botol berwarna gelap atau botol yang diperbuat dari aluminium perlu digunakan agar dapat menghindari cahaya ultra ungu daripada merosakkan kualiti Minyak Zaitun.
Pastikan bahawa Minyak Zaitun yang anda miliki tidak dibotolkan di dalam botol lutsinar dan elakkannya daripada terkena sinaran cahaya matahari.
Monday, 23 December 2013
Sabun Minyak Zaitun Extra Virgin Organik yang dihasilkan oleh Canaan Fairtrade adalah dari campuran 72% Minyak Zaitun Organik Extra Virgin yang tidak di tapis & Minyak Kelapa Dara dari Sri Lanka (Fair Trade Product) bagi menghasilkan sabun yang lembut dan berbuih tanpa menggunakan bahan pewarna tiruan mengikut cara pembuatan asli semenjak dari Abad ke7.
AL MASOUD TRADING akan secara rasmi melancarkan produk "MINYAK ZAITUN EXTRA VIRGIN" ini bagi pasaran ke seluruh Malaysia pada bulan Disember 2013 dan kami sudahpun menyiapkan kontrak dan syarat-syarat perlantikan Stokis dan Wakil Jualan.
Pendaftaran untuk Stokis Kawasan adalah Terhad,
bagi yang berminat sila lah berhubung dengan
Encik Nazran Abdul Mutalib di talian 012 654 7939.
Bagi sesiapa yang berminat untuk menjana pendapatan tambahan atau mereka yang sudah berkecimpung di dalam bidang Jualan/Sales,
Anda amatlah dialu-alukan untuk menjadi Stokis atau Wakil Jualan kami kerana sambutan ke atas produk
Minyak Zaitun di Malaysia sedang meningkat.
Inilah masanya untuk anda semua menjual dan mengedar produk yang bermutu tinggi hasil keluaran 1700 Orang Petani Islam dari
50 buah koperasi di Tanah Berkat Bumi Ambiya' Palestine.
Bagi anda yang berminat, silalah berhubung melalui email: sales@almasoud.com.my atau
hubungi saya melalui sms : 012-654 7939
Al Masoud Trading,
Canaan Fair Trade,
Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
khasiat minyak zaitun,
MInyak Zaitun,
Minyak Zaitun Palestin,
MInyak Zaitun Palestine,
Minyak Zaitun Terbaik,
Olive Oil,
Palestine organic extra virgin olive oil,
Shah Alam
Mempunyai Rasa Buahan & Medium Body” atau “Sederhana”.
Pokok asal dari Palestine, berusia di antara 1000 – 2000 tahun.
Menghasilkan minyak yang terbaik bagi Canaan Fair Trade.
Di iktiraf Organik, Extra Virgin (Perahan Pertama) & Cold Pressed
Di tuai pada bulan Oktober dan November setiap tahun.
Hasil dari Ladang di Tebing Barat, sekitar Ramallah, Jenin, Nablus dan Salfit.
Di tanam secara tradisional oleh petani Islam di ladang milik keluarga.
Boleh didapati di dalam botol saiz 500ml, “Limited Edition Jerusalem” yang dibuat khas untuk pasaran Malaysia.
Mempunyai rasa yang lebih “kompleks”, aroma yang manis.
Pokok Rumi telah didapati di Palestine semenjak zaman Pemerintahan Empayar Rome.
Berusia diantara 700 - 1000 tahun.
Di iktiraf Organik, Extra Virgin 1(Perahan Pertama) & Cold Pressed
Di tuai pada bulan Oktober dan November setiap tahun.
Hasil dari Ladang di Tebing Barat, sekitar Ramallah, Jenin, Nablus dan Salfit.
Di tanam secara tradisional oleh petani Islam di ladang milik keluarga.
Boleh didapati di dalam botol saiz 500ml,“PDX” bewarna Hijau Gelap.
Merupakan campuran minyak dari pokok “Nabali” dan “Rumi”.
Mempunyai campuran Rasa Buah yang sederhana dan juga aroma yang manis.
Di iktiraf Organik, Extra Virgin(Perahan Pertama) & Cold Pressed.
Di tuai pada bulan Oktober dan November setiap tahun.
Hasil dari Ladang di Tebing Barat, sekitar Ramallah, Jenin, Nablus dan Salfit.
Boleh didapati di dalam botol saiz 250ml.
Al Masoud Trading,
Canaan Fair Trade,
Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
khasiat minyak zaitun,
MInyak Zaitun,
Minyak Zaitun Palestin,
MInyak Zaitun Palestine,
Minyak Zaitun Terbaik,
Olive Oil,
Palestine organic extra virgin olive oil,
Shah Alam
Friday, 6 December 2013
Al Masoud Trading,
Canaan Fair Trade,
Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
khasiat minyak zaitun,
MInyak Zaitun,
Minyak Zaitun Palestin,
MInyak Zaitun Palestine,
Minyak Zaitun Terbaik,
Olive Oil,
Palestine organic extra virgin olive oil,
Shah Alam,
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Al Masoud Trading,
Canaan Fair Trade,
Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
khasiat minyak zaitun,
MInyak Zaitun,
Minyak Zaitun Palestin,
MInyak Zaitun Palestine,
Minyak Zaitun Terbaik,
Olive Oil,
Palestine organic extra virgin olive oil,
Shah Alam,
Monday, 18 November 2013
Top 5 Health Benefits of Olive Oil
By Elena Paravantes
Olive Oil Times Health Editor | Reporting from Athens
Olive Oil Times Health Editor | Reporting from Athens
Olive oil truly is liquid gold with its many health benefits. Considered the most important component of the traditional Mediterranean diet, this extraordinary fruit juice and its effects are still not fully understood.
Yet some of the ways olive oil can preserve and improve human health have been firmly established. Here are the five most scientifically supported health benefits of olive oil today.
1|It Can Help Lower Your “Bad” Cholesterol

Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), also known as the “bad cholesterol” transports and deposits cholesterol in the tissues and arteries, which can eventually cause plaque and block the artery.
Monounsaturated fats can lower LDL thus protecting against atherosclerosis. Plus, this type of fat does not affect the levels of High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) known as the “good cholesterol,” which carries all cholesterol away from the arteries, and high levels of which are associated with a decreased risk of heart disease.
Olive oil is one of the best sources of monounsaturated fats and has the advantage of being less susceptible to oxidation. In addition, oleic acid, a fatty acid abundant in olive oil, appears to also protect from oxidation of LDL.
It is important to note that to achieve this reduction in bad cholesterol you cannot just add olive oil to a diet rich in saturated and trans fats and expect a miracle.
You must replace the unhealthy fats with olive oil in combination with a Mediterranean-style diet.
2|Olive Oil Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure
.Several studies for different age groups, and with a large number of participants, have found that the consumption of olive oil is associated with a decrease in blood pressure.
The SUN (Seguimiento University of Navarra) study with over 6,000 participants found that olive oil intake reduced the incidence of hypertension in men, while another Spanish study published this month in the American Journal of Hypertension found that a diet containing polyphenol rich olive oil reduced blood pressure in young women with mild hypertension.
Results from the the Greek component of the EPIC study (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) which included over 28,500 volunteers concluded that olive oil intake is inversely associated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
While it appears that the polyphenols in the olive oil may be responsible for this action, researchers have demonstrated that oleic acid; a fatty acid in olive oil may also induce this lowering effect.
3|Eating Olive Oil Can Help Prevent Cancer
.Olive oil consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of cancer.
A review conducted by Greek researchers from the University of Athens published last year of 19 observational studies, with over 36,000 participants, found that higher rates of olive oil consumption were associated with lower odds of having any type of cancer.
Another review of 25 epidemiological studies concluded that “preferring olive oil to other added lipids, particularly those rich in saturated fats, can decrease the risk of upper digestive and respiratory tract neoplasms, breast and, possibly, colorectal and other cancer sites.”
4|It Protects from Oxidative Damage
.Apart from the monounsaturated fats in olive oil and specifically oleic acid, olive oil has another component that other sources do not have: polyphenols.
Polyphenols are phytochemicals, components that have antioxidant activity.
Olive oil contains certain polyphenols that, along with oleic acid, appear to protect the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the body.
Researchers for the Eurolive Study Group found that consumption of olive oil at real-life doses of about 2 tablespoons per day improved the fatty acid profile in LDL, associated with a reduction of the oxidative damage to lipids.
It appears that oxidized LDL is an important contributor to atherogenesis; the process of plaque buildup in the arteries that eventually can lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
This is an approved claim for olive oil in the European Union: “Olive oil polyphenols contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress.”
It is important to note that only polyphenol rich extra virgin olive oils may have this effect, not refined olive oil, which does not contain these substances.
5|Olive Oil Can Help Cognitive Function

Although olive oil is better known for its protection against heart disease and cancer, there is an emerging amount of research regarding the effect of olive oil on cognitive function and, specifically, on cognitive decline associated with aging.
Generally, the type of fat consumed can affect cognitive function. A recent study from from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School, analyzed data from 6,000 women over the age of 65, a subset of the Women’s Health Study.
They found that women who consumed the highest amount of monounsaturated fats, which can be found in olive oil, had better patterns of cognitive scores over time.
But it appears that olive oil specifically has a protective effect. Results from the Three City Study, an ongoing multicenter study of vascular risk factors for dementia using information from almost 7,000 participants, showed that individuals who had moderate to intensive use of olive oil had lower odds of cognitive deficit for verbal fluency and visual memory compared to individuals who had never used olive oil.
How much of a good thing?
When looking at the different studies in regards to the protective effect of olive oil for various conditions the amount generally ranges between 25 and 40 grams per day, or about 2-3 tablespoons.
Dietary fat types and 4-year cognitive change in community-dwelling older women
Al Masoud Trading,
Canaan Fair Trade,
Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
khasiat minyak zaitun,
MInyak Zaitun,
Minyak Zaitun Palestin,
MInyak Zaitun Palestine,
Minyak Zaitun Terbaik,
Olive Oil,
Palestine organic extra virgin olive oil,
Shah Alam,
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